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Image by Daiga Ellaby

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local History


Discover two historically significant homes in Bloomfield, Michigan

Preservation Bloomfield is a non-profit, all-volunteer community organization formed to preserve and protect two historically-relevant homes in Bloomfield, Michigan.

Our Homes

Down on the Farm

The Barton Farmhouse is one of the area's few remaining examples of an early settlement home back when Bloomfield was primarily an agricultural community.


Built in 1845 by James Darwin Benjamin, it sat on 122 acres of land near the intersection of modern day Long Lake Road and Eastways in Bloomfield Hills. 

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Small Home, Big Heart

Another early family dwelling from the 1840s, the Craig Log Cabin has been meticulously restored to offer visitors and the community a closer look at early pioneer life in Southeast Michigan.


In 1851 William Craig and his wife Sarah set up home here and raised 11 children.

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Our Friends

The Friends of Preservation Bloomfield is an auxiliary group that supports the fundraising efforts of Preservation Bloomfield through membership, fundraising and hosting various social events. 


Anyone can become a Friend of Preservation Bloomfield.

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©2025 Preservation Bloomfield  

P.O. Box 7627, Bloomfield Hills, MI  48302

Preservation Bloomfield is a public charity and is exempt from Federal income tax under section 501(c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code. The Friends of Preservation Bloomfield is an auxiliary group engaged in assisting Preservation Bloomfield in their fundraising efforts.

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